Change your perception to create your perfect reality

This week’s episode is out! I channeled messages from my spirit team about how our perception of everything creates our reality. You do not have to be aware of this for it to be true. Just like manifesting, your beliefs and thoughts shape everything around you.

I was feeling kind of low about myself when I received the message from my guides that how I feel about myself is a direct reflection of the beliefs that I still have within my subconscious. They told me if I do not feel beautiful, it is not the perception of others but the perception I have about myself that is creating this feeling. When I received this message, I knew it was true!

Our mindset changes everything. If we believe we are going to have a bad day, we likely will. If we feel unworthy or unwanted, we will interact with people who support or prove that belief to be true. If we believe that we are not good enough, we will continue to make decisions that keep us stagnant. How you perceive the world around you creates the world around you. If you do not like your current reality, work on your mindset and see what changes.

Tune in to this week’s episode to hear more about this topic! I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!




September’s Spirit Messages


Indulgence vs Satisfaction