October Energy Reading

Hello October!! 🍂

October has always been one of my favorite months. It's just the vibes of October. The veil is thin between worlds, our physical world and the world of spirit. The veil reaches the thinnest on Halloween also known as Samhain. Throughout the month in the Chasing Spirituality Community, I will post random facts and traditions about Samhain and other traditions from across the world. 

October is also the ending of a cycle and rebirth of another, In the United States, New Years is typically celebrated on January 1st, but October 31st has the same energy has New Year's Eve. This makes October the perfect month to reflect on the past year and prepare for what's to come. 

What has the past year taught you? What lessons have you experienced and integrated? What challenges are you still learning or exploring? What goals have you achieved or built foundation for?

What do you wish to manifest in the upcoming year? What are you looking forward to? What parts of your healing journey are you wanting to see improvement? 

This month is also about balance. Finding balance between what is best for us and best for those important to us. Equalizing the scales between inner work and outward expression. Cultivating what will propel us forward and releasing what is holding us back. We are in Libra season. Libra is the sign of the scales. Libra represents balance, justice and our relationship with others. 

We had a full moon in Aries on September 29th. Aries is the sign opposite Libra. Aries represents the authentic relationship with the self while Libra represents the authentic relationship with others. This month, how can you find balance between the two? How can you be your authentic self, set healthy boundaries, and also support and love your community and friends?

New year, new me! What goals do you want to set for yourself over the next year that will lead you to soul alignment? 

Upcoming dates for this month in the Chasing Spirituality Community:

10/4 6:30cst - Live Channeled Spirit Message 

10/11 6:30cst - Live Clairaudient Practice Circle

10/18 6:30cst - Live workshop: Manifest Your Year

10/25 6:30cst - Live Intuitive Practice Circle

In person community dates: TBA


Manifest the best version of you


Intuition or Fear