What is clairvoyance?

Welcome back! Clairvoyance is the beautiful gift of seeing. Clairvoyance literally translates to ‘clear sight’. Many people are aware of their ability to see the unseen. This intuitive information comes through in visions, dreams, or signs in the physical world. Everyone has access to their clairvoyant sight, even if they are not aware of it.

Some people experience their sight in their dreams. Spirit can influence and communicate with us in our dream state. When we sleep, we are in a different brainwave state. This altered state allows us to experience things that we may not normally experience in waking life. Passed loved ones, spirit guides, angels, the higher-self, and so many other beings can visit us in our dreams. If a passed loved has ever came to you in a dream, it was more than likely a visitation.

Clairvoyance is not only what we see in our mind or dreams but also what we see in our physical reality. Some people experience signs and synchronicities all around them. These signs are often messages from the spirit world. Some messages can look like a butterfly, bird or finding a coin. Pay attention to your surroundings to start seeing how often you are looked after.

A lot of people think that clairvoyance is like watching a movie inside your head but that is so far from the truth. Sure, for some people or occasionally you may experience an extremely vivid movie-like show but that is not how intuitive sight works most of the time. A lot of times, clear sight is a very simple and quick picture or just a color or shape. Pay attention to the random visuals that pop into your head.

Trust yourself and what you see whether it is in your physical reality or in your mind’s eye. Your spirit team is constantly showing you things! If you are interested in learning more about Clairvoyance and how you can strengthen and develop your sight, check out my podcast episode on this special intuitive ability!




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