Healing with ancestors

Long time, no write my friends. I am writing about something that I have recently dived deeper into on my own personal healing journey. Healing wounds, blockages and patterns passed down from our ancestors.

In December, I started feeling called to my sacral chakra. I felt a huge energetic in my solar plexus which has been my primary focus in healing for the last few years. I knew I had integrated my learnings and was embodying a new expansive vibration. My solar plexus was no longer the top of my healing list.

I received downloads and signs in December that was suggesting a disconnect between my current self and my sexuality, sensuality, creativity and divine feminine energy. I continued to receive this suggestions and allowed spirit to guide me in this healing journey.

I work with a plant medicine called Hape. I began using a different Hape blend that I purchased a while back called feminine force. I noticed that when I would meditate with this Hape, I would connect more deeply to my divine feminine higher self, my shatki, and my body.

My body began telling me what chakra was imbalanced and provided advice on what I needed to heal. I was encouraged to dance, to change music styles, to listen to my body's natural cues, to go outside more, to show more skin amongst many other things.

I continued to work with this Hape and listen to the teachings from my divine feminine archetype, Aashka. A few weeks ago, I was led by Archangel Haniel into a spiritual journey to connect to a ancestor. This ancestor had sacral wounds that I would witness and help release for my entire lineage.

I want to share a little bit about what science has discovered around ancestral trauma being connected to future generations. Researchers did a study on mice. They would introduce the smell of rose to the mouse and then they would inflict pain. As they expected from a normal trauma response, the mice would continue to respond as if they were in pain anytime rather rose scent was introduced even when no pain was presented.

After the mice were bred, they would introduce the rose scent to the offspring and even though they had never experienced pain, they would still respond as if they were hurt. This proved that the pain, suffering, trauma and wounds experienced by our family is passed through the DNA.

I began to realize that while I had healed a lot of my own pain through shadow work and inner child work, I was still having a difficult time in some areas especially the sacral chakra. I was still afraid and untrusting of my body.

Archangel Haniel invited me to view an ancestor's traumatic experience that severely impacted my family's sacral and throat chakra. I was able to witness for my ancestor and energetically release this pain.

As I flow more on this journey, I will share. Make sure to check out the podcast if you want more details about this experience and this part of my journey. This starts at episode 127 and will continue as I do. We are all a work in progress, healing and experiencing life as we go.


September Energy Reading


Chiron - The Wounded Healer