Chiron - The Wounded Healer

Chiron is the child of the titan Cronus and the Oceanid Philyra. Cronus' demise was predicted to be at the hand of one of his children so he devoured all of them except Zeus who was hidden by Rhea. Searching for him, Cronus discovered and lusted after Philyra. To disguise himself, Cronus transformed into a stallion and violated Philyra. Philyra painfully gave birth to a half-man, half-horse child, Chiron. Disgusted, she abandoned him on Mount Pelion.

Fortunately, Chiron was found by Apollo, who taught him the healing arts, music, and prophecy, while Apollo’s twin sister Artemis taught him archery and hunting. Chiron excelled in every field. It is sometimes said that he invented pharmacy, medicine, and surgery.

Unlike other Centaurs, who were violent and savage, he was famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine. Many Greek heroes, including Heracles, Achilles, Jason, and Asclepius, were instructed by him.

For the children he reared, he taught them when to control their dangerous impulses, but also when they should listen to their inner natures. This duality was further emphasized by Chiron’s teaching of both the creative arts, such as medicine, philosophy, and music and practical lessons such as hunting and sword-fighting.

Chiron was accidentally wounded by poison arrow shot by Hercules in battle. Even though he was immortal, he was unable to heal himself and the pain was too much so Zeus agreed to take his immortality.

In a show of appreciation for Chiron, his care and kindness for heroes, his important teachings, and his friendship with the gods, Zeus created a constellation to represent him forever in the stars: Sagittarius.

Chiron is twice-wounded: once at birth, and again towards the end of his life.

The first wound is a deep emotional wound that comes from being a child of rape who is rejected by both of his parents. He is quite literally a monster, and also an orphan and an outcast.

Being half-man, half-animal, Chiron embodies the conflict in all of us between the animal instincts and reason or divinity. To compensate for his early rejection, he proves himself again and again outshining the other Centaurs and even Gods. He proves he is worthy of love and acceptance.

Rather than allowing his wounds to consume or destroy him, he uses them to help him become a healer and teacher to others. They act as his motivation to become the best version of himself.

Everyone has wounds whether that be rejection, abandonment, fear of using our voice, etc. Our wounds are not meant to stop us or slow us down, they are meant to shape us into what the world needs and into who we need to be. Our wounds are our purpose and like Chiron, we can use them to motivate us on our path and help others.

Chiron in our astrology birth chart can show us what wounds we incarnated with in this lifetime. Chiron will be very active as it aligns with the sun on April 5th. This will be a good time to work with your wounds and do inner work Do you know what sign and house your chiron is in? You can get a copy of your birth chart here:

Join me in the Chasing Spirituality Community to find out more about Chiron in the signs and houses. I will release an exclusive podcast video talking about Chiron in April. Join us at the link below:


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