You are a medium

Yes, you heard me correctly. You are a medium. You are a spiritual being having a human experience therefore you are spirit. You are never disconnected from spirit because this power is within us. You do have choice and some decide not to work with spirit and that’s okay. But I don’t think that is who I’m speaking to. Everyone is a medium and guess what? Everyone is psychic too. We all have intuitive senses that we use to communicate with energy which is another term for spirit. These abilities are called the clairs.

You have six intuitive senses also known as the clairs. These abilities are your unique spirit language. You can learn to develop and strengthen these gifts. By practicing, you learn your spirit language and develop a strong connection with your higher-self and spirit team.

If you want to know more about the clairs and awakening your own gifts, I invite you to check out my podcast. The Chasing Spirituality Podcast has many episodes on spiritual growth and development. It is my intention to encourage you how to embrace your psychic abilities, trust yourself and feel empowered. You are a medium, just like me.


Manifest your reality for 2023


2023 Blessings