Manifest your reality for 2023

β€œIn 2023, we are the best version of ourselves. We are on our highest timeline.” - Megan Jones

Read THAT again! I feel the above quote in my bones! Collectively, we are changing. We are transforming into a higher version of who we were. 2023 is going to be a year of accomplishment, a year of abundance and a year of good opportunity. We have done the work and the work is paying off, my friend.

One of my profound manifestation tips is to do the inner work. Get to know the real you because once you do, you will be able to figure out what it is that you really want. When you embrace yourself honestly and wholly, your desires and wishes will start to pour off of you like hot steam. Your mindset will shift. Your wounds and traumas will begin to heal, and you let go of what no longer serves you. You discover the secret of life and what will bring you immense happiness. You have to excavate the stuff that no longer aligns with who you are before you can have your perfect reality.

If you want to know more of favorite manifestation tips, check out my podcast. The Chasing Spirituality podcast episode 101 is all about manifesting. I will be going live on Instagram Friday night, January 20th at 7pm CST to talk more about manifestation and answer any questions you may still have. Follow me at @chasing.spirituality on Instagram if you would like to attend.

Sending you so much love,



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