Am I Psychic?

Hello my dears! I am writing here to let you know that you are more definitely, without a doubt are totally psychic. I know this because it is my belief from personal experiences and divine guidance that everyone is psychic. In this post, I am going to talk a little bit more about what it means to be psychic, why I believe we all are psychic and what you can do to step into your own unique intuitive gifts. How fun!

For some reason, being intuitive is often overlooked or disrespected in most societies however everyone has intuition and even normal professions tap into that intuition on a regular basis. The number one profession that uses intuition other than intuitive readers is a dentist. Doctors, police officers, social workers and lawyers are some common careers that use intuition regularly.

Being psychic means you can perceive and read energy. Intuition is one of the tools we use to decipher energy. Since we are energetic beings, it is natural for us to be able to detect and communicate with the energy around us. This is why I believe we are all capable of using our psychic senses if we choose to. Everyone is psychic but not everyone chooses to develop their psychic senses to a degree that allows them to interpret energy accurately.

The most common psychic senses are referred to as the clairs. Just like we have physical senses that allow us to communicate with the tangible world - sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell; we also have intuitive senses that allow us to communicate with the unseen world. Clairvoyance is the sense of sight. This allows us to see and receive impressions through images, colors, dreams and pictures. Clairaudience is the ability to hear energy. Clairsentience is the most common of the psychic senses and it is how we feel energy. If you consider yourself an empath, you use clairsentience. Claircognizance is an inner knowing. Claircognizance is true intuition. We just know something without reason. There are other clairs around tasting and smelling energy as well.

Most of us were taught to second guess ourselves, our choices, our feelings. We don’t trust our abilities and because of this we don’t believe in our intuition. The key to development is believing in yourself and trusting that you have these gifts. Practicing can really help you through these doubts and blocks because when we practice, we receive validation. We also learn our unique energetic language and can strengthen it. If you are interesting in learning more about intuition and psychic senses, check out my podcast, Chasing Spirituality. Join the Chasing Spirituality Community to practice with like-minded souls in a safe space and receive guidance from a spiritual teacher you trust.




Chiron - The Wounded Healer


Spiritual Community