Are you Clairsentient?

Hello Beautiful! I am sure you are curious about the incredible gift of clairsentience. Clairsentience translates to ‘clear feeling’. This means we can feel energy intuitively. Energy and spirit communicates to us through our ability to feel emotions and physical sensations. I believe everyone has access to this intuitive sense.

If you identify as an empath, you are using clairsentience. From my experience, empaths are picking up on people’s emotions using the gift of clairsentience. If you are wanting to develop and strengthen this clair, start paying attention to your empath abilities and this can give you a big clue on how other energies communicate with you.

Clairsentience can show up in many different ways depending upon the person. Feeling the emotions of a person or spirit is very common. Many people want to connect with their spirit guides but when they try they don’t hear or see anything. This could be because your guides are communicating to you through clear feeling. They may send you a physical sensation in your body like warmth in your heart or belly. They can also send you an emotion such as a feeling of unconditional love. What you feel is truly a gift and the more you pay attention, the stronger you will become.

I believe everyone is intuitive, everyone is a psychic and everyone is a medium. We all have access to all of the clairs aka intuitive senses. Some people discover this at a young age and develop their skills throughout life. Other people may shut off or turn away from their intuitive senses and some people rediscover their power and find their way back to their spiritual and intuitive nature. It is my intention to help people tap into their natural gifts as an intuitive being.

Spirit uses our clairs to send us messages and information all of the time. A lot of times we are not aware of this or we doubt whether it is really happening. I recommend paying close attention to your environment and what you feel, see, hear, or know. The signs are always there but most of the time they are very subtle.

If you are interested in learning more about clairsentience and how you can strengthen and develop this ability, feel free to check out my podcast. Episode 103 dives deeper into clairsentience and claircognizance. Chasing Spirituality podcast is available on all major platforms. If you are interested in working one on one with me, check out the services section.

From my heart to yours,



Human Design


Are you claircognizant?