Are you claircognizant?

Hello my friends! Today I want to share what I know and believe about the intuitive sense Claircognizance. Claircognizance is one of the six psychic senses. I believe everyone has access to all of the clairs however some people are more in tune with certain clairs over others.

Claircognizance literally means clear knowing. This ability shows up as a deep inner knowing without really much else to go on. When we experience Claircognizance, we just have a gut knowing about something but we don’t know how or why we know it. Claircognizance is true intuition.

Claircognizance is our intuitive nudge or direction. We have a gut knowing about the way something will turn out or about the true nature of someone’s intentions. When asked to explain why we feel this way, we do not have any real reason or evidence to support it. Because of this, it makes Claircognizance one of the hardest intuitive abilities to develop.

Claircognizance is difficult to develop because to truly understand and strengthen this ability, you must trust yourself. If you have a hard time with trust or self-worth, you will need to do the inner work surrounding these wounds before you will really see a difference. Trust is key!

Claircognizance pairs really well with the other clairs. In my personal experience, I often feel energy through the Clair clairsentience but then my claircognizance comes in and helps me interpret what the feelings mean. Many of our clairs will work together to help bring forth messages and information.

Many people who are claircognizant are channels. They can intuitively channel messages and information. I recommend anyone wanting to develop this ability to try channeled writing also known as automatic writing. This practice will help you tune into your higher-self and write channeled messages.

Claircognizance is a very powerful gift. True intuition and everyone can access it. Never forget the most important piece to working with this ability is trusting yourself and what you just know! This comes with a lot of patience and practice. If you want to know more about working with this psychic sense, check out my latest podcast episode. Episode 103. Claircognizance & Clairsentience. I share my experiences with these particular clairs and advice on developing these abilities.

Happy practicing!

Love, Megan


Are you Clairsentient?


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