Novemer 2022 New Moon - The Biggest Manifestation Moon of the Year!!

Welcome back moon lovers! I know you have to be feeling the excitement and power of this month’s new moon because it is an incredible one. The energy is carefree, hopeful and has you dreaming up your wildest ambitions. Just in time for the holidays and ending 2022 with a bang!

On November 23, the new moon will be in the free-spirited sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius is all about truth. As you transition through this time, ask yourself what hidden truths are bubbling to the surface or what lies are you telling yourself that may be stunting your growth, healing or potential. Sagittarius is idealistic and optimistic; therefore, this is the perfect time to push your self-doubt and fear aside and really step into your ultimate purpose. What lies are your telling yourself that are holding you back? Do you believe you aren’t good enough? Do you fear failure? What inner truths do you hold that need to be rewritten? Sagittarius is here to help you see past these false ideals and see truth.

Sagittarius is idealistic and optimistic; therefore, this is the perfect time to push your self-doubt and fear aside and really step into your ultimate purpose.
— Megan Jones

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of spirituality, expansion, healing and good fortune. Sagittarius wants to learn everything because it is the seeker of truth and knowledge. Sagittarius wants to learn for its own sake because it enjoys knowing and it naturally curious. Therefore, you may feel called to learning new things, explore taboo subjects or doing a deep dive on something you find interesting or peculiar.

Sagittarius is extremely uplifting, optimistic and appreciative. This energy just wants to live, love and travel which creates the perfect mood for the holidays and manifestation. We have just ended an intense eclipse season which can feel gloomy and dense so this week you should definitely be feeling festive and high-spirited.

The sun and moon in Sagittarius will be creating a beautiful trine aspect with the lucky planet Jupiter. This will create an energy of abundance, good fortune, big opportunities and tons of manifestation power for everyone under this new moon! Your intentions will be supercharged, and any ceremonies or rituals will feel extra potent and powerful.

Often times we second guess ourselves or stop ourselves short of what we are truly capable of. This Sagittarius new moon is the perfect opportunity to step away from fear and ask yourself what if I achieved everything I set my mind to? What if all of my dreams come true? This is an impressive new moon for feeling your potential and setting intentions to support it!

To add to the magic, Jupiter will be wrapping up an annual retrograde on the 23rd as well. This will fill us with a sense of expansiveness and liberation. Seek your new inner truths. Find growth, healing and excitement. This new moon is about embracing your purpose and setting your soul free!

If you would like some guidance on getting clear on your manifestations, goals and intentions, book a channeled coaching or psychic session with me. We can work through any blockages and hidden lies that are preventing you from your greatest potential. Visit my services tab to find out more!


2023 Blessings


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