The truth about empaths

In this week’s episode of the Chasing Spirituality Podcast, we are discussing empaths. Can you believe we are on episode 92?! Wow, that is such an accomplishment, and I am so happy to still be producing regular episodes for you all! As I am wrapping up season two, you will notice more rerun episodes. However, I am purposefully selecting each revisited episode with the intention that it is exactly what you need to hear.

There are a lot of myths about empaths that I debunk in this episode. For so long many people have thought being an empath is a curse. A lot of empaths struggle day to day with managing their gift. My intention is that after listening to this episode, you will know more about what being an empath really means and you will also learn some skills to help you grow and own your superpower.

Yes, I said superpower! Because being empathic is truly a gift. Not only are empaths strong enough to manage and feel their own emotions, but they can feel the emotions of others and transmute the energy with compassion and understanding. I don’t know about you but that sounds pretty incredible to me.

So, if being an empath is really a gift then why do so many people struggle with it? That is a very good question and the main reason why I created this episode. Empaths struggle with coping because of a few things.

1. They don’t know what they are really capable of.

2. They don’t know what the purpose of being an empath is.

3. They don’t know how to protect their energy.

Empaths can feel and absorb the emotions of others. This is a fact that most people know. But did you pick up on the word ‘can’? Empaths can absorb the emotions of others, but they don’t have to if they don’t want to. A lot of people make empaths sound like a victim. They assume empaths must struggle because they don’t have a choice, but they are wrong. We, empaths, always have a choice! Knowing this fact will help you learn to protect yourself when you don’t want to entertain certain energies.

The purpose of being an empath is simple but quite beautiful. You have a gift of feeling and absorbing energy, right? Well, what is the point in this? I promise it isn’t to make you suffer. The real purpose is so that we can transmute negative energy into positive. Instead of allowing other energies to influence you, you influence the other energies. I share some techniques on how to do this in the episode.

Protecting yourself is crucial when dealing with unwanted energy. You can always transmute it but if you don’t have capacity to do so, it is important that you become aware of your ability to absorb so that you know when you have picked up something unknowingly. You can do some techniques to keep yourself protected and keep foreign energy away. Some people will envision a bubble around their auric field. You can imagine you are surrounded by tons of mirrors that reflect any outside energy away from you. Make sure whatever you choose, feels right to you.

I hope this helps you understand more about what it means to be an empowered empath. You can learn more by listening to this week’s episode! I hope you have a fabulous week!


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