What is mediumship?

Hello my curious friends! I am here to talk all about mediumship. What is it? Is it real? How do I know if I am a medium? How does it work? What? How? When? Huh?! Don’t worry! I hear these questions all the time and I asked them myself once before. So, grab your notebook or just a cup of something yummy and come on a journey with me.

I’m Megan Jones and I am a psychic medium. Giving mediumship readings to clients is one of my regular offerings but what exactly does mediumship mean? Mediumship is the practice of being a spirit medium or mediating communication between the spirit world and the physical world. Mediums communicate with the unseen, with spiritual beings. Spirit is naturally vibrating at a higher frequency than anything in the physical world. Matter lowers our vibration. So, during a reading, a medium raises their vibration and simultaneously spirit lowers theirs and this creates a connection. Once a connection is made, the medium will receive messages, symbols or information. Pretty cool, right?

If you’re still with me, you probably have a lot more questions. I know I did! What kind of information can a medium receive? How does the information come through or what does it look, sound or feel like? I’m excited to share all of this with you!

First and foremost, I want to say that spirit works in mysterious ways and spirit does what spirit wants. I don’t mean this in a spooky way because there isn’t anything to be afraid of. What I mean is that just because you want to connect with your Uncle Bobby doesn’t mean that Uncle Bobby will be the spirit to come through or just because you ask spirit to tell you what their favorite color in life was doesn’t mean that is the information they will share. Spirit wants to serve but the medium actually serves spirit and what they want is of utmost importance.

Spirit will communicate in many different ways depending on three factors - the spirit, the medium, and the sitter (person receiving the reading). Just like how humans communicate in different ways, so do spirits. They show up with their own unique personality and way of communicating. The medium will also change how a spirit communicates because mediums receive information in their own special way. Some mediums are clairvoyant (clear sight) while others may prefer to use clairaudience (clear hearing) or clairsentience (clear feeling). All mediums use different clairs to receive information from spirit and this will determine how they communicate. Also, every symbol for every person is different and spirit loves to communicate with symbols. For example, an image of a rose for me might reference love or romance but for someone else it could mean a garden or landscape.

The last factor that changes communication is the sitter. The sitter’s energy, state of mind, and connection is just as important as the medium’s. This is why you will hear some mediums suggest that the sitter not be heavily grieving when receiving a reading. This ungrounded energy can cause a weakness in the connection amongst other things. A reading is a three-way connection, and it is up to all parties to put all of the puzzle pieces together to form a full message. If spirit sends the medium a keychain, then the medium relays that message to the sitter, it is up to the sitter to bring meaning to the message. Sometimes it’s easy and sometimes it takes more effort to understand but the reading cannot take place without the three of them working together.

Now you are probably wondering, how do I know if I am a medium or can I become a medium? I remember growing up, I would watch mediums on TV, and I was fascinated. I had my own paranormal interests and encounters, but never did I think I was or could be a medium. Looking back now, I know that belief was because I didn’t have confidence in myself, and I was scared.

My personal belief is that everyone is a medium, if they choose to be. We all have the ability to connect to spirit because we ARE spirit. Yes, we are human beings, but we are also spirit and because of this fact, we can make connection. If you decide to open yourself up to the world of spirit, you can be a medium, but it will take practice to develop your skills.

If you’re interested in learning more about mediumship or other spiritual topics, check out the Chasing Spirituality Podcast. It is streaming on all platforms. Follow me on social media and come back to the site and blog for new posts, courses and information. I hope you all have a magical week!


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